September 12, 2010

4 Reasons

I gave you a nice little overview in my first post about my plans, but I think I need to be a bit more specific as to my reasons behind this project.

Reason numero uno:
I need something in my life to make me feel like I'm capable of accomplishing something. I've reached a standstill. At 23, I feel like I'm stuck in one place, not going anywhere. Those of you who know me well know how miserable I am here. I hate Maryland. I hate living 20 minutes from where I spent my 4 years of college and I hate teaching in the town where I graduated from college. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, and I love a lot of the people at my job, but I can't stay here. This is my last year in Maryland. And as part of that plan, I need to prove to myself I can accomplish a plan that is a lot less scary than quitting a job and moving to Philadelphia without a solid future laid out. If I can handle something simple, then I can move on to bigger and better things.

Reason two:
I'm in love with a boy who is not only in Europe until December, but also doesn't seem to love me back anymore. Sad? You bet. But I'm a grown-ass-woman who has decided to give herself a project that hopefully will bring some good back into life. I'm sick of feeling unfulfilled and insignificant. Reading 52 books won't make someone love me or make me famous, but it will hopefully improve my self-worth, which in turn makes me a stronger and better person.

Reason the third:
I need to practice good time management. Yes, I am a very busy person (no, I don't have children, but still busy!). I like being busy. But I'm also a procrastinator in the worst way, and it's time to kick that bad habit to the curb and learn to prioritize. Work, class, homework, school work, music, reading, and a social life. I still don't know where exercising fits in yet, but it's on the future list somewhere.

Reason four:
There are a lot of books out there that I haven't read. Or that I haven't finished. Or that I was supposed to read in high school, and read the cliff's notes instead (although Babbitt was a terrible book, I'm not upset I didn't actually read it). I think I need to read those books. I also don't read a lot of non-fiction, so I'm trying to expand my genres.

As for right now, I'm going to work on my grad school homework and watch the football game. It's on my schedule. :)

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