September 17, 2010

2 Weeks...

The great experiment begins in 2 weeks. Next Friday is day one, and it works out well because I currently don't have any plans for the evening. Saturday night is Fall Fest at Holty's house (we're carving pumpkins and eating delicious food... and probably playing ridiculous games, as always), but Friday night I think will be my night to just sit around in sweats and my glasses and read. I haven't decided on my first book yet. I feel like it needs to be something important and poignant and symbolic of the journey I'll be taking through literature. Maybe One Hundred Demons which seems like it's going to be an awesome book. The premise behind it is so interesting. Perhaps I'll start with something more difficult and long since I'll have an entire night to sit and read.

I don't want to create a reading schedule because I'd like to be able to chose books from the list based on what my current mood or mental need is, but I think I need to decide on a first and a last book. Something that says 'I'm beginning' and something that says 'Holy Eff, I made it through.' Once I settle on the complete list, I'll have to decide how that's going to work.

On a side note, department meeting lunch conversation today? Whoever can figure out how to use the f-word as a preposition should receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. It is 7 of the 8 parts of speech. Aren't you glad we teach the youth of America? Now it's time for movie night with Shank. Hectic and busy weekend ahead of me. Give me those book suggestions!


  1. As the woman who first read to you and repeatedly read Ricky, Rocky and Ringo Go to the Moon, a picture book classic in our house I might add, I feel I get to be the first one to comment on your blog!! You were always a reader and lover of books. From the time you were little, bed time reading wasn't a must, it was a given!! Before you were two, you sat at the kitchen table with a stack of Christmas cards 'reading' them to us and what child gets a time out and happily runs to her room because she knows shelves and shelves of books are waiting for her!! Traveling for two weeks through Germany, France and Switzerland at the age of 13, smashed in the backseat with piles of luggage were you excitedly watching the scenery out the car window? Oh no, you were quietly (and happily) reading!!! Books have been a major component of your life so this Blog comes as no surprise!! I know you will be very successful in your endeavor and I look forward to reading your postings and getting good ideas for my own book list!!
    My Book Suggestion: Sophie's Choice by William Styron. (But my all time favorite is Because of Winn Dixie, but you already know that!)

    Love, Mom

  2. As your former teacher (gifted program) , I encourage you to put "The Little Prince" on your list, maybe even as a first or last choice. Philosophy is always a good way to get you thinking! I look forward to reading your blog along the way. Try not to stay up 'til 3AM finishing books...

    Mrs. Rosen :)

  3. Andrea Kennedy-SiebertSeptember 20, 2010 at 9:09 AM

    As one of your Aunt's who also loves to read, I am looking forward to hearing all about which ones I should read after you do.


  4. Leah,
    Great idea! Good luck!
    I have three suggestions for your list.
    Animal Dreams
    The Kite Runner
    Life of Pi

