August 31, 2011


David Bowie would be proud.

The point is that this blog has changed significantly since the project began.  I'm realizing that it's not logical anymore for the 52 books in a year goal when my day-to-day life is somewhat spontaneous.  I tried to stick to a goal, and I don't think I'm going to make it.  Strangely enough, I'm okay with this.  Really, this was partially a study in perseverance and finishing what I start, and although I haven't finished it, and really doubt I will, I still feel like I've stuck it out.  I went through phases where I wasn't blogging often enough, wasn't reading enough, but I feel like I'm really starting to see what this blog can/should/will be.

I'm still sticking to my list of 52 from the start of the project last fall, don't doubt that.  There are too many books on that list that still feel like must-reads, but I will be less structured on my timing.  I start my first La Salle graduate class tomorrow and I just got my reading list for that, and I realized I should feel okay with changing my list.  New books are published all the time, and I shouldn't feel like I need to put something off just to accomplish the arbitrary list I originally started with.  Instead, I'll be adding to the 52 with more 'must-reads' as suggested by my lovely readers, as well as my own personal must-reads.  Not everything I read or have to read will make that list, but I'm looking at it as a literary bucket list.  And there's no way a literary bucket list could be limited to 52.

So send me more suggestions.  I'll be adding a few over the next couple of days, including some from my grad class list, but I'd love to see what's suggested the second time around.

Here's my reading list for class:
- The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (Bender)
- The Art of Racing in the Rain (Stein)
- Hunger Games (Collins)
- Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck)
- Gossamer (Lowry)
- Heat (Lupica)
- Swallows of Kabul (Khadra)

I've already read The Art of Racing the Rain and Of Mice and Men, but I'll obviously have to read them again to make sure I remember everything.  Because my masters program is in English, but the focus is on education, we are reading a lot of middle and high school level books.  I'm okay with that.  Once I have my first class, I'll have a better idea of the direction she's planning on having us take.

And as a side note, I was reading my book list to Anthony and his response to Of Mice and Men was "oh, I really liked that book."  I just about died.  My non-reading boyfriend likes Steinbeck?  Who knew!

1 comment:

  1. I have read the whole series of The Hunger Games(Collins), just for fun! I finished them all in a week! Aren't you proud!
