March 11, 2011

The Tipping Point and Droids

This is my first attempt at updating my blog from my cell phone... amazing how typing an entire post on a phone is no longer awkward or a burden, but instead is convenient and more relevant to my life. I find I spend less time on my actual computer and more time using my phone for the things my laptop was for. Facebook, games, twitter, IMing... all of it is possible on my phone. Is it any surprise the younger generations, my own included, don't find books engaging or exciting? Too much effort for not enough return?

I finished The Tipping Point last night. Like I said previously, I prefer his other books, but I realized one important thing from the lessons intended more for business minded people: if I want my classes to be relevant and important, I need to keep up with the current trends for this teenage generation, and I need to spot those students who are the trendsetters and engage them. If they start to think English classes (and the study of literature, writing, and speaking) is significant and important, eventually other students will, also. The goal is to make learning not fun or meaningful, but to make knowledge and curiosity desirable. How we do that, I don't really know.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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