October 24, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

It's official; I'm going to Budapest in just under a month for just under a week to visit Brooke (and Danny and Darcy, but mostly Brooke.  Also, Danny and Darcy don't read this, so I don't feel bad about parenthesizing them. Is parenthesizing a word?  It's not underlined red as a spelling error, so I assume it is.  I'm pretty excited about that!).  I'll be sure to load my Kindle with lots of things to read, as it is a rather long time to be traveling.  My layover on the way home is 5 hours, but it's in Amsterdam, so I'm leaving the airport to explore, not sitting in a waiting room somewhere reading.

I'm currently reading The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, which is interesting.  I've read a few of her short stories (I've taught a few of them, too), but I've never gotten around to reading this novel.  I'm about 3/4's of the way through, so hopefully tonight/tomorrow I can finish it up for a post in the next few days with my thoughts.  It's an interesting look at not just the relationships between parents and children -- focusing primarily, of course, on mothers and daughters -- but it's an interesting look at cultural elements and what exactly we do inherit from our parents and families.  It reminds me of a spoken word piece I shared with my students during our slam poetry unit called 'Knock, Knock'

Yes, we are our fathers' sons and daughters,
But we are not their choices.

It's an interesting idea.  Watching the Ravens play right now, and keeping updating on the Eagles play-by-play because the game isn't on TV (yet another reason why I'm moving to Philly this summer!) and getting ready to grade a million and one papers.  Later, Matt and I (and maybe Alicia!) are going to watch Rocky Horror in preparation for Glee on Tuesday night!  And I have grad school homework to take care of... Oh, Sunday.  How I hate you sometimes...

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