November 7, 2010

Are you a connector?

Okay, I think it's time to update on what my post from Wednesday was all about.  First things first, I apologize for any incoherence in this post.  I'm attempting to recover from McDaniel's homecoming weekend, where I spent the majority of the time drunk (sorry, mom) or laying with Diana in bed googling dinosaur jokes.  We drank four loko last night (don't even get me started) then went to the bar to drink more, after drinking all day at the football game.  I woke up this morning around 9, still drunk, fell out of the bed I'd been sleeping in, and realized that today was not going to be my day.  I'm currently in ugly sweats, watching the Eagles game, texting Colin Miller (hi Colin!) and preparing to grade final essays on The Secret Life of Bees.  I also have grad school homework, and lessons to plan.


Anywho, let me explain the experiment with the last names.  Basically, your number determines if you are what is called a 'connector,' which is someone who has a lot of acquaintances and knows a lot of people.  Connectors are an integral part of trends and fads and epidemics.  I scored a 59, which is above the average for college aged people.  The average is around 21.  In a group of professionals in their 20's and 30's the average score was 41.  So my score of 59 is pretty high.  Does this make me a connector?  Do I really know a lot of people?  Do I not have a lot of close friends, and instead have a lot of people with a 'weak tie,' a friendly connection but not a deep connection?

Not sure how I feel about that, but I sure do know a lot of people.  I guess in the world of epidemics, I could start something in a small way.

On chapter 3 of The Tipping Point.  Hopefully finishing it up this week, then I want to move on to something fiction.  I like non-fiction, but it's not my favorite.  It is interesting, though.  I think after this, I'll try and finish up An American Childhood, which I really don't like all that much.  I'm trying to save the young adult and children's lit for later on in the experiment.

Have a fabulous week!  And to my regular readers, I know who you are, and I love you.  To my random readers, I hope you come back again.  And Max: this is really nerdy, but I'm still cooler than you.