September 20, 2010

Where in the world...

I have followers! Who knew?

Blogger has a really cool feature where you can look at your stats; how many page views your blog has, where the traffic is coming from, and the countries where people are looking at your postings. Obviously the majority of traffic is coming from the US, but I have people in Hungary, France, Canada, Belgium, Italy, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. According to Blogger. I know Brooke is my Hungarian viewer, and Tom maybe is Belgium/France, but who is reading in Canada and Italy? And who is reading in Bosnia? And where the heck is Herzegovina? (I just googled it; it's the Southern part of Bosnia. I'm very sorry I didn't know that). But really, if you are reading from those countries, leave me a comment! I'd love to know who's checking things out!

The countdown continues... Less than two weeks, and I still haven't finished putting the list together. Hopefully it'll be mostly done by the end of the week, and then I can narrow down to the final list. Keep sending suggestions! And thanks for reading :)


  1. ha bosnia and herzegovina is me (i am here for army stuff). i was like cool, blog. herzegovina is in bosnia, though it doesn't really mean anything. it's a geographical region in the southern half but it isn't a state or anything. the only functional regions are two republics, one for serbians, and one for croats and bosniaks (kind of eastern european muslims). and of course towns.

    you have some pretty cool entries. i can relate to your "four reasons post." i had a pretty decent job as a manager at a trucking company but then i ended up hating it, and i quit and moved on knowing something better would come along. i finally found the dream job and life has never been better.

  2. Books to read:
    "The Power of One" by Bryce Courtenay (I might only like it cause it's about a young boxer in pre-apartheid South Africa and I can relate a bit)

    "Blankets" by Craig Thompson. Please put your skepticism aside and trust me when I say it is worth your time. if you read nothing else I recommend, read this.

    Obviously, anything by Steibeck. East of Eden might be a good choice.

    The collected short stories of Ernest Hemingway.

  3. i am jealous you have readers from other countries. I only have the continental U.S. and Alaska? But, this feature is so super cool! People actually read about our craziness?!??!
